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Fisherman holidays

Can I travel from the UK to France with my Dog?

You can travel from the UK to France with your pets, but make sure you plan this in advance. There's some paperwork you have to do before you can travel with a dog from Great Britain to the EU.

At least 1 month in advance

- Ensure your dog has a current Rabies vaccination
- Check that your dog's microchip is working and registered
- Check any special requirements for your specific trip with your vet
- Plan your dog's food

Within 10 days of travelling

- Vet visit to get the Animal Health Certificate for travel
- Vet visit for outbound Tapeworm treatment for specific countries only (within 5 days of travel)

Returning to Great Britain

- Have the right travel documents
- Tapeworm treatment for return

For more detailed information go here: https://www.gov.uk/taking-your...