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Fantastic Iktus season's kick-off last week 07 April 2016

"At Iktus Carp (Lake 1, carp specimen), many big fishs as on swim 6 ( 15 carps including a 25,2, a 28,2 and a 30,5 kg, our 3° different > 30 kg mirror these last 3 months !) or swims 7 and 8 ( 49 carps -32 and 17- up to 29 kg !)
At Iktus Sturgeon (Lake 2, carps and sturgeons) broke 2 new lake records, a 45 kg siberian sturgeon and a 60 kg transmontanus. We put new sturgeons including very rares species as short nose, hybrid albinos or black sturgeons and 2 big ones: a 55 kg+ beluga and a 80 kg transmontanus, new french record " Jérémy, Iktus