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Carp fishing at Goncourt - King Lake
Cloyes-sur-Marne, Southern France

Carp fishing at Goncourt - King Lake

Cloyes-sur-Marne, Southern France
Proceed to booking

Lake Description

King lake is 15 acres, with 300 mirrors and common carp to just over 60lb. King lake also contains some hand picked scaly fish - these have been selected for their beauty, some of these fish are already close to 40lb.

The Lake & the Swims

King lake has an island which conveniently divides the lake into two halves. The lake's size makes it suitable for an exclusive booking of five anglers. This means that each angler will always have their own area of water to fish. The water has 6 swims available. The fishing on the lake is considered to be easy to moderate with multiple catches regularly reported.

The average depth of the lake is four to six feet with lots of features - including gravel bars, plateaus, marginal island fishing as well as the shallows behind the island. There are 2 boats available on this lake and we recommend that these are used for weeded fish. When using the boats you must always wear a life jacket.

Facilities & service

The facilities are new and feature a shower, wash bassin & toilet. There's a fridge & freezer for the anglers as well as several sockets to charge batteries & mobile phones. On site pellets and boilies are for sale. Pascale, the bailiff visits the anglers every day. Fridays, the anglers can order pizza which will be delevered on the lake.

Key points

  • Departement Marne
  • Open March - November
  • Distance Calais - Goncourt: 359km
  • Area 5 ha / 12 acres
  • Bottom gravel with some silt
  • Depth 2,50-2,80 m
  • Max. number anglers 5
  • Carp stock 300 carp up to 60lb // 27kg
  • Swims 6
  • Exclusive booking €1500 for up to 5 anglers
  • WIFI No
See Carp fishing at Goncourt - King Lake rules here >>

Rules - Goncourt - King Lake

Southern France

1, All anglers must meet at the lake you have book no earlier than 12.00pm on the Saturday of arrival. Cars must NOT be parked in front of any farm gates or block any road access on the complex. Departure time is 10am on Saturday and all anglers must have left the complex by this time. Pascale will arrive before 10am. You must not go onto any of the lakes before 12pm.

2, No anglers will be allowed on the lake before 12pm.

3, Maximum of 4 rods allowed.
4, Minimum breaking strain of line is 12lb. We recommend 15lb and above due to the size of the fish.

5, Maximum hook link breaking strain to be 25lb.

6, No lead core or leaders of any kind allowed on the complex.

7, A lead safety system to be used at all times. No fixed leads allowed.

8, Barbless or micro barbed hooks only. No hooks allowed larger than a size 2.

9, No bent hooks allowed on the complex.

10, Adequate unhooking mats are are required and also a water bucket must be available at all times to keep the fish wet while out of the water.

11, No sacking of fish at anytime.

12, We would ask that the fish kept out of the water for the minimum time possible.

13, Anyone found marking fish will be liable under French law for prosecution.

14, It is advised you have a fish care kit available. We recommend good Koi care products such as NT Labs Wound Seal and Ulcer Swab

15, No braided mainline allowed. Braided lines are available for use when fishing for catfish only. This will only be allowed when using live or dead baits.

16, ALL NUTS are banned within the Domaine de Goncourt complex. This includes commercial pre packed particles. No shelf life Boilies to be used on Domaine de Goncourt, only fresh Boilies allowed.

17, All unwanted bait to be either taken home or put into the unwanted bait bin at the end of the week. This will be used during the winter months as a supplement to pellet feed that is used. PLEASE DO NOT THROW UNWANTED BAIT INTO THE MARGINS.

All the above in bold please.

18, No rods to be left unattended at anytime.

19, All boats are used at you own risk. You must bring your own life jackets and these must be worn at all time while you using the boat. Failure to comply to this rule will mean that all the boats will be removed from the lake for that week.

20, Bait boats are allowed.

21, The cutting of trees and bank side vegetation is not allowed.

22, No climbing trees, or removal of branches allowed.

23, No litter to be left on the lake. The swims will be checked before departure.

24, Recycling bags must be used in conjunction with the leaflet supplied on arrival.

25, Toilets must be used in all circumstances.

26, No dogs allowed on the lakes. Dogs may be allowed on request to Domaine de Goncourt management. Owners must clean up after their animals in all cases.

27, We would ask that noise is kept to a minimum whilst on the lakes. Loud music and excessive drinking will not be tolerated.

28, No swimming in the lake.

29, No open fires or ground BBQ's.

30, Any anglers found to be breaking the rules will be asked to leave the complex and will forfeit any monies paid.

31, Children must be accompanied by their parents at all times.

32, The party leader is responsible for all loss or damage that may occur during his/her stay on Domaine de Goncourt lakes. On receipt of booking confirmation it is accepted that these rules have been read and will adhered to by all parties concerned.

33, We at Domaine de Goncourt expect all our angler and guests to behave to the highest standard while visiting the complex. We reserve the right to take appropriate action to any person/persons that have not complied with the rules or terms and conditions set out by the owner.

34, The owner of Domaine de Goncourt lakes accept no responsible for injury, loss, theft, fire or damage to any persons or property owned by the party concerned.

35, A recycling fee of €10 per person will be charged at the complex.

36, Last rule of the lakes. Please come and enjoy yourself, you're on holiday!

Booking calendar

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