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Etang 5 Better Late Than Never Steve Briggs 02 November 2018

Steve Briggs fished Etang 5 twice this season and has already planned 2 trips for next year. He could perhaps make claim to be the carp angler with the world's biggest car mileage - he certainly gives his odometer a significant working out on a regular basis. But on this occasion hte car hardly got warmed up with a 'local' trip to Etang 5 just north of Paris.

Over the last few years I seem to have had the urge to drive further and further for my fishing. Journeys of a thousand miles or more have become quite normal, which seems a bit crazy, even to me – especially considering that I’ve got decent waters just yards from my front door! But it’s the buzz I get from those adventures that keeps me doing it...

While I’m clocking up those miles I do often think about the good waters that I’m driving past and there are several that I wanted to pay a visit to at some stage. One such place was Etang 5 in northern France. I’d known about it for many years but somehow I’d just never got around to it. In recent years I’ve made a conscious effort to fish more of these waters though and so I bit the bullet and reserved a swim through Fisherman Holidays.

Read the full story in Carp World Magazine >