You might already have heard the news via the Social Media, but we wanted to take a moment to announce that Fisherman Holidays has taken over the venue Lac de Grosley from Nadja Touzé.
"Hi everybody, After 8 beautiful years spent with you, I leave the lake and I wish you many nice fishing years with Michael Komen, a fish and fishing lover. He loves the lake and will give you wonderful experiences.
Enjoy fishing!" - Nadia TOUZE
This month we've already planed a netting on both the large and the smaller lake. On the one hand we obviously want to know the exact stocking, how many carp does the venue count, how big are they, what's their condition, etc. On the other hand we'd like to remove - at least part of - the bream. This will have it's effect on the growth of the carp as they will have more food at their disposal. And we're sure that the carp anglers don't mind catching less bream during their stay.
To close the carp fishing season, we organized the traditional Grosley Contest at the beginning of November. The weather was marvelous on the first two days with warm and sunny weather - we had temperatures over 20°C! Monday and Tuesday were very misty and much colder. As usual, there was a maximum of 2 rods per angler to reduce the pressure on the lake. The wind blew during practically the entire contest towards swim 2 which had its compensation. Paul Kroneman & William Admiraal (swim 2) won the first price: a free weeks fishing at Lac de Grosley. Berry Kuipers & Wim Bloemsma took the second place and the brothers Smulders in swim 15 finished 3rd.
Here's an excellent video from the contest: