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The Magic of Thinking Big: Iktus 25 January 2017

When I read Jérémy's Catch Report from Iktus and looked at all these big fat carp that came out last year, I thought of one of my favorite books The Magic of Thinking Big written by David Schwartz. The book instructs people to set their goals high and think positively to achieve them. Well, if your goals are catching a BIG carp... think of Iktus! Find out why in Jérémy's catch report.

The end of the season was exceptional at Iktus with 6 carp over 27kg. Jérémy, the manager from the venue, expects not less than 10 new carp over 30kg for 2017. Also on the smaller lake some enormous sturgeon have been landed with weights of 60kg and even 70kg!

2016 has been a record year on all levels:

The lake record for common carp went from 24,8 kg to 27 kg
The lake record for mirror carp went up from 30,5 to 31,8 kg at Iktus Carp and from 27,5 kg to 29 kg at Iktus Sturgeon
The lake record for Koi carp went up from 16,1 kg to 17 kg (3 koi carp have this weight at the moment)

You'll also find Sturgeons from 45kg (Baeri), 57kg (Beluga) and 82kg (Transmontanus), which is the record for France in all categories.

For the 3rd year in a row, the weight of all catches totaled more than 100 tons of fish on the banks. We know for sure that 250 carp now weigh more than 20kg in the Iktus Lakes. Roughly 100 of which weigh more than 26kg. This winter we've restocked the lakes with 1,5 tons of new carp, which is about 170 fish and also 47 new sturgeon.

Iktus will be attending the Brentwood Carp Show and the show in Reims. Fisherman Holidays will be representing Iktus at Zwolle in Holland.